Hi, *hm*, my name is Uno

Name: Senorita Uno I love the color yellow! Also, I love dogs, and the one showing is mine! Her RandomOstritch name is Chubs! Let's see, my favorite number is 4, my favorite letter is Q, I love to sing, and I always like to say "Interesting...." those are my favorite things!!!! Oh ya, and I like to say "MOO!" In Unicornese it means "Shut up!"

Browsing Archive: senorita-uno--blog, 2015

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El Numero Uno Advice Column

It turns out I'm really good at fixing other people's problems, though I seem to whine about my own unsolved ones all the time! If you crave my expert insight on all your predicaments, Senorita Uno is coming to the rescue! When I get this filled-out form in my inbox, I will post your problem on my page with your Anonymous Code Name (unless you don't want me to and you were just looking to rant to a stranger, that's cool, too) and I will answer the best I can.

Here, tell me whether you want your predicament public on my blog or not. Just remember that if I can't put it up on my blog, there is no way for me to get my answer to you.

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