Hi, *hm*, my name is Uno

Name: Senorita Uno I love the color yellow! Also, I love dogs, and the one showing is mine! Her RandomOstritch name is Chubs! Let's see, my favorite number is 4, my favorite letter is Q, I love to sing, and I always like to say "Interesting...." those are my favorite things!!!! Oh ya, and I like to say "MOO!" In Unicornese it means "Shut up!"

Just an update

December 24, 2015
Words to live by:
your wife in the backseat of my brand new foreign car
dont act like you forgot
bitch better have my money

Hey hey hey

December 24, 2015
If this post works and the site doesn't crash, I just wanna let Smiley know that she has swag #yolo

Gee, it's been awhile!

May 25, 2012
Yes, I know nobody even looks at our site anymore and I'm talking to myself, but I still love these guys and I really love putting my thoughts on the Internet. I mean, why not? So hello there, self!

oh, i am so adorable!

March 11, 2011
oh, i am so adorable!
hahaha i am so wonderful with my girlish charm and such!

El Numero Uno Advice Column

It turns out I'm really good at fixing other people's problems, though I seem to whine about my own unsolved ones all the time! If you crave my expert insight on all your predicaments, Senorita Uno is coming to the rescue! When I get this filled-out form in my inbox, I will post your problem on my page with your Anonymous Code Name (unless you don't want me to and you were just looking to rant to a stranger, that's cool, too) and I will answer the best I can.

Here, tell me whether you want your predicament public on my blog or not. Just remember that if I can't put it up on my blog, there is no way for me to get my answer to you.

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